Author 2019 - to, co lidé chtějí

Komplexní přehled novinek české značky Author, tak, jak ho nachystala pro příští sezonu modelového roku 2019...

Autor: Petr Bureš
Foto: Petr Bureš
Author 2019 - to, co lidé chtějí


Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019
Author 2019

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  1. avatar
    #2 Frank - vloženo: 06.11.2018 v 19:33:52

    odpověď na Hazoš — #1 To je pravda, ty gripy, co jsou na novince Orion už mám pár let na kole:) Jinak ty hliníky pořád vypadají, jako modely z roku 2005. Kdyby alespoň brousili ty svary, dneska už to má kdekdo a mnohem líp to vypadá.

    odpověz na tento komentář
  2. avatar
    #1 Hazoš - vloženo: 05.11.2018 v 20:34:51

    Jj přesně to zákazníci chtěji! Starý rámy, starou geometrii, neprodejný starý komponenty povětšinou a vyvěšené za ceny kde konkurence prodává novinky :D....něco mi říká že uvedená druhá skupina, tedy odpů bude rozrůstat čím dál více :D

    1. na tento komentář reaguje Frank — #2
    odpověz na tento komentář

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